In December 2024, when I launched my self-directed MFA, I began with a trip to London. This wasn’t pure folly—I’d landed a new client in London for my freelance business, and I decided to go there to present it to them. This was an excellent idea, if I do say so myself. London is perhaps […]
My Self-Directed MFA Syllabus
In my first blog article, I wrote about how I decided to start a self-directed MFA, and how I went about planning the early stages. Now, I want to share my syllabus with you. Below are all the classes I’ve taken and books I’ve read so far. There’s lots of recommended reading on here for […]
How I Planned My Self-Directed MFA
This month marks the third month of my self-directed MFA. If that’s a term you haven’t heard of, don’t worry — it’s kind of made up. I hadn’t heard of it either, until a friend gave me a copy of Before and After the Book Deal, where Courtney Maum answered a question that I’d been pondering: […]